We asked members of our community, “When was your first trip to The Pinnacles?” For many, it was decades ago, while others have just experienced it for the first time this year!
Read some of the responses we received!
“Gosh, I climbed the Pinnacles…so many times when I was growing up I can’t remember how old I was the first time…I almost always climbed with my sisters and cousins…The view is so beautiful words can’t describe it. I feel so blessed to have been able to climb the mountain and to have shared these experiences with my family.”
“Mountain Day sophomore year, 2003…My first time ever hiking!!!”
“My freshman year in college, 1944!”
“When I was a baby on momma’s hip.”
“1959. I have a photo of me asleep leaning up against the trunk of a tree. I look to be about 6 months old…I also developed a tradition of hiking the mountain on the due date of all three of our children. Went into labor the next day each time.”
“November 4th, [2019]!”
“September 1997. [I] went to Devil’s Kitchen with this one dude [and] saw leaves changing for the first time. Ended up marrying him. 20+ years now.”
“Mountain Day 1964 with my dad and some history students.”
“My first visit was back when you kind of had to know where to go to find the parking lot!”
“As a student in UK’s Forestry program in the mid-90s.”
“Mountain Day 2015!”
“August 2019!”
“I think it was 2007. I went up with my dad, my kids, and Tilly spent the entire hike with us.”
“Mountain Day 2016. I was a VISTA leader at Berea College mourning the suicide of a loved one and did the hike in the dark so as to see the sunrise, hear the choir…feel hope. Never forget it.”
“[The] summer of 2015 when I came to tour Berea College. I got lost and loved it.”
“Mountain Day 1996–freshman year with Concert Choir!”
“50 years ago in October of this year.”
“Mountain Day 2005.”
“[A] very young age, we used to go up there and picnic and hike.”
“As a young girl, about 7 or 8.”
Comment your experiences below!
1 Comment
My husband and I are 63 and 67. Thanksgiving week we visited your Berea Pinnacles. We spent all day doing all your overlooks. Yes all of them. We had a great day. Looking forward to coming back. We spent 6 week this year hiking your state from central to east side of state. Your trails were wonderfully mantained and easy to follow. Needless to say not all easy. Indian fort to west pinnacle liked to do me in. But we’re here to say Mid 60″s can still do it. Thank you for what you do.
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