We welcome groups from schools and co-ops to visit the Center & forest!
As a service, the Berea College Forestry Outreach Center offers interdisciplinary environmental education for school and community groups free of charge. Our staff can tailor interdisciplinary activities to meet the needs of your group. We can also plan pre- and post- activities to help you make the most of your visit.
Our staff, along with Berea College students, can offer an array of experiences rooted in inquiry and place-based learning. Educators, please let us know how we can support you in your student's hands-on learning about nature. We can develop activities specific to your group's needs. Every subject can be tied back to the natural world!
Our activities are student-driven and exploratory. We can also facilitate activities from the Project WILD curricula that meets science standards.
Many groups enjoy coming for a hike, which can be led by FOC staff. There is a nature playscape and an amphitheater where groups often eat packed lunches. The FOC has indoor and outdoor restrooms and a drinking fountain/water bottle refill station.
FOC Director, Wendy Warren, has been certified in Nature and Forest Therapy and can lead Nature R&R (rest and relaxation)/Forest Bathing experiences, great for all ages.
Please email zagrayk@berea.edu if you're interested in scheduling a visit!