Learn about Tree Week from the Urban Forest Initiative and view events in surrounding communities.

Fully bolded events are open to all, non-bolded are College community events.

12th: Free Yoga at the Pinnacles through Madison County Public Library 10:00am
 –Tree I.D. Hike at the Pinnacles, 1:00pm 
13th: Family Activity-Tree Prints at the Forestry Outreach Center 1:00-2:00pm
 –Fairy Doors with Natural Materials at the Madison County Public Library Berea Branch 2:00-3:00pm
14th: Tree Plantings on campus
15th: Tree Plantings on campus
 –Nature-Inspired Art & Painting in Brushy Fork with the Doris Ulmann Galleries 5:15-7:30pm
16th: Mountain Day (Berea College holiday) with tree themed info/activities
–Mulch Madness at the Pinnacles 2:00pm
17th: Nature R&R at the Pinnacles, lower forest 5:00-7:00pm
18th: Intro to Nature R&R at Brushy Fork, 4:00-5:00pm
19th: Tree. I.D. Hike at the Pinnacles, 1:00pm
20th: Family Activity-Tree I.D. Walk, 2:00-3:00pm (geared towards kids)