Let the Forest be your classroom...
Berea College stewards over 9,000 acres of forest land, fostering a unique learning opportunity for students. Multiple colleges and universities have undergraduate and graduate students visiting the Forest for classes and research.
Forestry Outreach Center
Visit the Center for an overview of the land-based history of Berea College and our initiatives of community building, education, and inviting folks to reconnect with the natural world.
- Learn from the Center displays and/or a tour from FOC staff--we can focus on many interdisciplinary topics
- Walk or hike in the forest at the Pinnacles, Anglin Falls, or Brushy Fork (with or without FOC staff)
- Nature R&R/Forest Bathing experience with Wendy Warren

Draft Horse Barn
Students can see and hear about the cultural and environmental importance of working equine and Berea's commitment to restorative forestry.
- Visit the barn to learn about equine care and animal science (contact: phelpsa3@berea.edu)
- Learn about and observe farm management, horse logging and restorative forestry practices (contact: hitej@berea.edu)

References for Learning
The Berea College Forest Story Map by Phil Vogel
A History of the Berea College Forest by Clint Patterson
Horse Logging Tri-Fold Brochure
Biodiversity of the Berea College Forest on iNaturalist.org
"Campus Forest" Tree Map by Christina Hoddinott
Archaeology Uncovers History of the Berea College Forest by BC Archaeology students
Art in the Forest: Trees of the Pinnacles -- Spring Ephemerals -- Foraging Guide to Campus