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Accessible text: March 2024 Friends of the Forest Newsletter. Upper left corner shows the logo, a poplar leaf and the words “Berea College Forestry Outreach Center”. Below reads “at the Pinnacles: Homelands of the Shawnee and Cherokee Peoples. Tuesday-Saturday 10a.m.-4p.m., Sunday 12p.m.-4p.m. Trails open dawn to dusk daily. 2047 Big Hill Rd. Berea, KY 40403. 859-756-3315. March events. The FOC will be closed on the 28th and 29th. All events at the FOC/Pinnacles unless otherwise noted. Free and open to all. Outdoor activities weather-dependent. Nature hikes at the Pinnacles: Saturdays at 1:00pm, meet at FOC. Eclipse Presentations & Stargazing: March 1st, 15th, and 22nd 7:00pm. Wildflower Walk at Anglin Falls March 27th 5:00 pm. Birdwatching with the BC Ornithology Club March 30th 8:45-11:30am. Safe Solar Viewer Workshop March 30th 2:00 pm. Nature R&R March 20th 5:15-7:15 pm at the Pinnacles, March 27th 5:15-7:15 at Anglin Falls. RSVP on Eventbrite. Family Activities March 17th:Water Detectives 2:00-3:00pm March 23rd: Woodland Playscape Day of Creation 2:00-4:00 pm. March 24th Flower Hunt 2:00-3:00pm. Below this is a list of social media logos including Facebook, “Instagram @bereacollegefoc, iNaturalist Citizen Science Project: Biodiversity of the Berea College Forest, Seek: App by iNaturalist, great I.D. tool for kids and families. FOC website:” The upper right corner has an overlook image from the Pinnacles. Below is the main article. The Joy of Spring’s Birds and Blooms. The equinox on March 19th ushers in the season of spring! Longer and warmer days reawaken wildflowers and welcome migrating birds home. The first birds to arrive back in Kentucky are the woodcocks and waterfowl. As elusive as the ephemeral flowers, there are some species that are only seen in Kentucky as they pass through headed for more northern regions. There are many spring ephemerals–flowers that only bloom for a short time–to see here at the Pinnacles. The West Barton and Walnut Trails boast populations of flowers such as trout lily, Dutchman’s breeches, toadshade, and rue anemone. Join us for a wildflower walk Saturday, March 27th at Anglin Falls at 5:00pm! You never know what you might see! In the upper right is a photo of a red breasted merganser duck and an eastern phoebe below it. Text reads Come birdwatching with us! Join the Berea College Ornithology Club on March 30th, from 8:45 to 11:30 am, in the lower Pinnacles forest. Bring your binoculars (some will be available) and cameras! Let’s spot and listen to as many bird species as we can, welcoming them back from migration. The bottom of the page has a car shape with purple flowers visible through the car’s windows. Text reads “Wildflowering by Car. Ann Longsworth, dedicated FOC volunteer and wildflower enthusiast, will be sharing her knowledge on how to find wildflower species from the comfort of your car! Ann has been searching for and recording wildflower sightings for decades and wants to share her passion. Learn more at the Berea Branch of the Madison County Public Library, March 23rd at 10:00am!”
Page 2. On a dark green background with many light stars reads “Star Parties with Jeff Hutton & Diego Colorado — stargazing is weather permitting. Eclipse Presentation and Stargazing March 1st and 22nd, 7:00 pm. Learn about eclipses to gear up for April 8th, the last coast-to-coast solar eclipse until 2045! Stargazing through telescopes to follow, weather permitting. To the right reads Eclipse Extravaganza with the Madison County Public Library March 15th, 7:00 pm. An eclipse presentation followed by stargazing. Enjoy snacks along with a virtual reality experience thanks to MCPL! To the right of that reads Safe Solar Viewer Workshop March 30th, 2:00 pm. Learn how to build a sun projector to safely view the sun! The first 14 families will receive a free DIY kit! Below that section is a light green column on the left with the text “Nature R&R: Nature Relaxation and Restoration is a slow-paced, restorative forest experience. Please bring a portable chair or something to sit on the ground. We hope you join us! Weather dependent, those who RSVP will be notified of cancellations. March 20th 5:15-7:15 pm at the Pinnacles. March 27th 5:15-7:15 pm at Anglin Falls. Use the QR code or search Berea College Forestry Outreach Center on to learn more and RSVP! The column on the right has a illustration of a robin perched on its nest with four blue eggs. Below is a light green column with the text “Family Activities: Free and open to all. Outdoor activities are weather dependent, RSVP on Facebook to follow any updates. Water Detectives March 17th, 2:00-3:00pm Lets learn about the scientific method through observing, collecting, and testing different water samples. Playscape Day of Creation: “Build and Create like Andy Goldsworthy!” w/ Winterberry Studio March 23rd, 2:00-4:00 pm *rain date: April 20th. Flower Hunt March 24th, 2:00-3:00pm Lets go on a flower hunt and explore how flowers operate and benefit the environment through observation and crafts.