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Page 1: July 2024 Friends of the Forest Newsletter. Upper left corner shows the logo, a poplar leaf and the words “Berea College Forestry Outreach Center”. Below reads “at the Pinnacles: Homelands of the Shawnee and Cherokee Peoples. Tuesday-Saturday 10a.m.-4p.m., Sunday 12p.m.-4p.m. Trails open dawn to dusk daily. 2047 Big Hill Rd. Berea, KY 40403. 859-756-3315. The FOC will be closed July 4th. Trails and outdoor restrooms remain open. July Events. All events at the FOC/Pinnacles unless otherwise noted. Free and open to all. Outdoor activities weather-dependent. Nature Hikes at the Pinnacles: Saturdays at 10:00 am, meet at FOC.Sounds and Sights of the Night Walk July 20th, 8:30-10:00pm Nature R&R July 3rd, 5:30-7:30pm at Anglin Falls. July 25th, 5:30-7:30 at the Pinnacles, lower forest RSVP on Eventbrite, info on p. 2 Family Activities: 1st-4th grade Forest Superheroes Day Camp, details to right. July 7th, 2:00-3:00pm: Bird Nest Craft July 14th, 2:00-3:00: Circles of the Earth Bracelets. July 21st, 2:00-3:00: Toddler Time Stories & Animal Puppets. July 28th, 2:00-3:00pm: Eco-Friendly Water Balloons & Giant Bubbles! FOC Staff will be at the Berea Kids Eat Garden at 530 Glades Rd. with an activity every Wednesday, 1:45-3:00pm! Below this is a list of social media logos including Facebook, “Instagram @bereacollegefoc, iNaturalist Citizen Science Project: Biodiversity of the Berea College Forest, Seek: App by iNaturalist, great I.D. tool for kids and families. The upper right corner has an overlook image from the Pinnacles. Below is the main article. Superheroes in the Forest. When you think of a superpower, what comes to mind? Something that is super-human, an impossible ability that can only be read about in a comic book or seen in a movie? Well, what about the superheroes of the forest? Wildlife have abilities that are completely real, but still sometimes unbelievable! The natural world is full of plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria, that work their magic all around us. An image of a leaf with a camouflaged caterpillar has the text: Invisibility! Camouflage is an ability of many forest critters, like this prominent moth caterpillar! An image of leaves has the text: Power! Many plants produce phytoncides that protect them from insects and rotting. Absorbing these compounds boost our immune systems, help our stress levels, and more! An image of a blue jay bird with its wings spread has the text: Flight! Bird flight is one of the most elusive animal abilities for scientists to study and explain! A frog life cycle diagram has the text: shape-shifting! Animals like insects and amphibians go through complete changes in their bodies and behavior! A green box on the bottom of the page has the text: Join us for mornings of Forest Superhero fun: Tuesday, August 6th – Friday, August 9th: 10:00am-12:00pm Free activities for families with children 1st-4th grade. Email to sign up for one or all days!
Page 2: Under graphics of flowers and vines is the text: there is text. Nature R&R/Forest Bathing. Welcome Wednesdays: start out each month by relaxing and restoring mind, body, and spirit with Nature R&R. Then, transition out of the month each last Thursday. Nature Relaxation and Restoration is a 2 hour, slow-paced, restorative forest experience. Please bring a portable chair or something to sit on, dress for the weather and wear walking shoes. We hope you’ll join us! Weather dependent, RSVP for updates. July 3rd, 5:30-7:30 pm at Anglin Falls. July 25th, 5:30-7:30 pm at the Pinnacles, lower forest. Please RSVP for a FREE spot and find directions on Eventbrite! To the right is a light green blob with the text: American Chestnut Pollination Efforts. The KY Chapter of the American Chestnut Foundation reports that BC Forester Clint Patterson and team have thinned out trees such as red maple and sourwoods in much of Berea’s 20 acre “in situ” wild American Chestnut orchard over the last few years. The trees are growing straight and tall, with several producing catkins. The team visited six different trees with catkins. With the help of a ladder and extension pole, a team collected catkins and their pollen was applied to full American Chestnut trees in a Morgan County orchard. Hopefully, in 2025, there will be natural pollination occurring on Berea’s trees! Pictured below is BC student Natasha Caldwell, Glen Dandeneau, and Clint Patterson with collected pollen! There is also a graphic of a chestnut with the spiky outer shell. Left and below has a light blue box with an image of a lightning bug, luna moth, and scorpion glowing in UV light with text. Sounds and Sights of the Night Walk, July 20th, 8:30-10:00 pm. Join us as the sun sets on the forest for a slow, short walk in the woods. We’ll see what critters we can hear and see on the walk, as well as what is attracted to a UV light on a white sheet. It’s a great opportunity to observe and listen to the beauty of the forest at night. Please bring your own flashlight, headlamp, or lantern! Family Activities. Free and open to all *** outdoor activities are weather-dependent, RSVP on Facebook to follow any updates. Bird Nest Building, July 7th, 2:00-3:00 pm. Learn about bird nests by observing some examples and doing a craft! We will meet in the playscape along the paved path. Circles of the Earth Bracelet Making. July 14th 2;00-3:00 pm. Create a friendship bracelet with colors based on the cyclical Earth systems that sustain us like water, air, and sunlight. Toddler Time Stories & Animal Puppets. July 21st, 2:00-3:00pm. Enjoy nature stories and play with animal puppets with your little one. We will be indoors if it is rainy or too hot. Eco-Friendly Water Balloons & Giant Bubbles. July 28th, 2:00-3:00 pm. We’ll have water and our eco-friendly (crocheted) water balloons on our lawn to play with –cool off from the summer heat! FOC Staff will be at Berea Kids Eat Glades Garden on Wednesdays, 1:45-3;00pm with an activity to learn about Berea’s wildlife!