The Center
The Berea College Forestry Outreach Center is a flexible space where visitors and the community can come together to learn about the Berea College …
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Live & Learn
We welcome groups from schools and co-ops to visit the Center & forest! As a service, the Berea College Forestry Outreach Center offers …
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Friends of the Forest Volunteers
The Forest gets by with a little help from its friends--namely, Friends of the Berea College Forest. These college and community members volunteer …
Read moreInterested in what the FOC might be planning, want to see pictures of different plants native to this area, or maybe you just want to see what the phases of the moon will be this month? Try subscribing and/or viewing our newsletter! In this small PDF it hold our plans for the month. Plan something with the family, take some time to yourself on the trails, we even have hikes listed where you can walk with a naturalist! All of these events and more can be found in the newsletter.
Have you enjoyed an event? Our social media posts? The forest? Then consider donating to the FOC! We love sharing the forest and nature with folks of all ages far and wide. If you’d like to contribute to more people experiencing the wonders of nature, you can make a donation below. Thank you.
A Piece Of The Forest
“I Grew up in a large, loud, home-schooled family; The 4th child of five. When me and my siblings visit home, late night conversations and good memories always seem to center around the kitchen… Though my Mother didn’t always have access to the best ingredients as she shopped on a budget. This legacy of thriftiness and good, soulful food led me to my passion for foraging.”
Learn about foraging around the Berea college campus through pictures from an experienced forager in this zine.
Click on the picture or the button for more information!
Skies Over the Pinnacles

"We often don’t think about the sky above us as a part of the ecosystem other than when weather is involved. But it is! People have used stars and other objects in the sky for thousands and thousands of years to help them navigate, tell time, know when to plant crops, and create folklore and art. In fact, many animals use the sky for travelling and telling time!"
The Forestry Outreach Center has partnered with a local astronomer, Jeff Hutton, who writes monthly about interesting things in the night sky. You can read his Skies Over the Pinnacles articles by clicking any of the pictures or the button labeled 'Skies Over the Pinnacles'!
february, 2025
No Events
february, 2025
22feb1:00 pm3:30 pmSaturday Guided Hikes1:00 pm - 3:30 pm FOC, 2047 Big Hill Rd, Berea KY
Event Details
Hike the Pinnacles with us on Saturdays (weather-permitting!) We can introduce you to the trails or provide a theme-focused hike on a specific topic. Contact Wendy Warren (warrenw@berea.edu) or John
Event Details
Hike the Pinnacles with us on Saturdays (weather-permitting!) We can introduce you to the trails or provide a theme-focused hike on a specific topic. Contact Wendy Warren (warrenw@berea.edu) or John Abrams (John_Abrams@berea.edu) for more details.
Free and open to all. Please bring everything you might need including appropriate clothing/footwear, snacks, water, and medications.
September-May: 1:00 pm
June-August: 10:00 am
(Saturday) 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm
What’s the weather like?

Blog Posts
Is Brushy Fork a Healthy Ecosystem?
Click here to read about the research conducted by Berea College student, …
Do You Think the Wind is Angry?
Poem By Charity Gilbert I did not think the wind was angry, …
Meet the Weeds — Dandelion
You have probably heard of Kudzu, the invasive species that blankets huge …