Forestry Outreach Center volunteer Abigail Kingston is holding a launch meeting for Tiny Forest, a suburban rewilding project serving Richmond, Berea and the surrounding area. Tiny Forest seeks to establish a network of volunteers to grow, transplant, and raise native tree saplings and other native plants, which will be given away for free to homeowners interested in creating a “tiny forest”—a small oasis of “wild” habitat to support birds, pollinators, and other living things that have lost essential habitat to lawn and pavement. Volunteers are needed to provide supplies like finished compost and pots for plants, to keep and care for plants, to supply seeds and seedlings, and to offer ideas for how to get Tiny Forest thriving. Do you have seedling trees in your yard or garden that need to be moved? Have you collected seeds from native trees and wildflowers? Do you know someone who wants to get rid of their lawn, but doesn’t know how to start? We would love to hear from you!